News Release: 3/6/2017
For Immediate Release
March 6, 2017
Contact: Selena Haynes
Bridging the Gap
Focus magazine to publish June 23, 2017
NASHVILLE – The premier issue of Focus Middle Tennessee magazine debuts June 23. The magazine will provide a centralized place, online and in print, for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) news and information, and product and service advertising. The inaugural edition is aptly named, “The Coming Out Issue.”
“Focus will be published regularly with aggregated content that is completely LGBT-centric and will connect the LGBT community with our allies,” said Associate Publisher Selena Haynes. “There are many organizations that serve the needs of this audience, mainly just for Nashville. We want to fill the void so that LGBT and allies in the Middle Tennessee area know about resources, businesses, services and products, not only in Nashville, but smaller towns too.”
Haynes said that the decision to publish Focus comes at a time when everyone is still reeling from a very emotional election. “We all need to come together and Focus will be a bridge to do that. It will provide truths and education about LGBT life,” Haynes said. “And, we can’t forget our allies. Focus is for them, too. There will be feature stories about our allies as well to recognize them for their outstanding support.”
Focus will offer news, arts & entertainment, travel, community, life, and trending topics content. To assure comprehensive coverage, Haynes will collaborate with individuals and LGBT-focused groups like OutCentral, who will have active roles as contributors.
“We want everyone to have access to this important publication, so we are offering Focus for free online and in print,” Haynes said. “The printed version will be published every other month while the online version will be uploaded frequently with new and engaging content.” The free print version can be picked up at businesses in the Middle Tennessee area, or readers can subscribe for mailed copies at $25 per year on the website focusmidtenn.com in early Spring.
Full-color advertising space in this 32-page slick is also being offered at a low cost. “Obviously, we must pay for the production and distribution, but this is a product from our hearts,” Haynes said. “In fact, part of the profits will be donated to non-profit groups that serve the LGBT community.”
“LGBT products and interests are becoming mainstream instead of being marginalized so now is the time for businesses and individuals to showcase their products and services,” Haynes said. “Our readers are typically well educated with an above-average disposable income. They are every marketer’s dream!”
Those interested in contributing content or placing ads are encouraged to contact the team before its June deadline. The Focus staff can be reached at 615.603.6169 or info@focusmidtenn.com.
ABOUT: Focus© Middle Tennessee is a franchise of Focus© Mid-South. Both magazines serve the LGBT community and its allies by promoting LGBT inclusivity through dignified delivery of content that is relevant to LGBT persons and their allies; editorial and advertising content will be included at the discretion of the publisher to assure thoughtful and respectful content for all.
Focus© magazine is published by Ray Rico Freelance
Rayricofreelance.com | 2294 Young Avenue | Memphis, TN | 38104