Voting Starts Now for the Pride in Business Awards!

Business Awards Chamber News Release

We announced the finalists for the 2021 Pride in Business Awards earlier this morning! You can check out the announcement on FacebookLinkedIn, or YouTube. What incredible finalists that YOU get to now VOTE for. 

It is time for the Members to VOTE! 
The voting is now open! 

Before we announce the winners on Friday, June 4th, you get to vote for who you think is the most deserving finalist in each category. Your score will be added to our judges' scores that selected the top three finalists for each category. The finalist with the highest score will receive the award.


Only ACTIVE Nashville LGBT Chamber members are allowed to vote. Each representative gets one ballot. The deadline to submit your vote is NEXT Friday, May 21st. VOTE NOW. 


To make sure your membership is current and you are eligible to vote, please log into the member portal. If you are not current, you can check out the right side of the Member Portal to pay your outstanding dues. You will see in the top right corner an outstanding balance if you have one. 


All members will find the voting form in the member portal and clicking the link at the top of the page (see below).



While you are logged into your member portal, make sure your profile is up-to-date. Your directory profile is an invaluable benefit offered to you from the Chamber. This is what the public sees when trying to find businesses and services in our directory. Use the panel on the left side of the Member Portal homepage to complete your profile with information, pictures, and logos. Also, take a moment to check the right side of the Member Portal homepage. Do you have an outstanding invoice? Have you registered for June Pride Month? Have you bought our tickets to the Pride In Business Awards so you can see the winner?  Take care of all of these things today!


Please reach out to me if you have any questions about your membership or logging into your member portal.


We hope you will attend the Pride in Business Awards on Friday, June 4th, 11 am - 1 pm. Get your tickets to celebrate the finalists, network, do business, have fun, and see who wins! Don’t miss this event! 


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