PAST WEBINAR: Nashville Bonding Education Program
From SBA:
Informational Webinar on: Nashville Bonding Education Program
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
The Nashville Bonding Education Program is a cohort-based program with sessions beginning in January 2021 and continuing through April 2021. -----Only a small group of firms will be selected-----
Do You Want to Know If this Program Is Right for Your Business?
Is Your Firm in Construction?
Are you ready to grow your construction firm through small business mentoring, counseling in credit management, and access to capital?
If “Yes” to any of the above , bring your questions to this free informational webinar to gain insight about the Nashville Bonding Education Program hosted by the US Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Mid South Atlantic Region, Small Business Transportation Resource Center.
Attend one of these informational webinars hosted by the SBA Tennessee District Office on December 8, 15, 22, 29. (ONLY ATTEND ONE OF THESE SESSIONS).
Join the meeting using your computer or call-in
Click here to join the meeting
+1 202-765-1264,,384680338# United States, Washington DC
Phone Conference ID: 384 680 338#
If you think you are ready for the Nashville Bonding Education Program, please register here - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nashville-bonding-education-program-bep-virtual-tickets-124446728515