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PAST WEBINAR: Need Funding Help? What the CARES Act & Payroll Protection Program Means for Your Business

Register: https://web.nashvillechamber.com/events/Need-Funding-Help-What-the-CARES-Act-Payroll-Protection-Program-Means-for-Your-Business-2831/details?fbclid=IwAR3g14K2AghvzeJkDUIACQTWGZ45J6pTzdP2NHcy9kMxEWWV0dXjctWRbs0


Need Funding Help? What the CARES Act & Payroll Protection Program Means for Your Business

The $2 trillion federal coronavirus relief package signed recently, officially known as the CARES Act, includes the nearly $350 billion Paycheck Protection Program to help small businesses affected by the Coronavirus Pandemic. The new loan program is designed to help small businesses with their payroll and other business operating expenses. The SBA will forgive the portion of the loan proceeds that are used to cover the first eight weeks of payroll costs, rent, utilities, and mortgage interest.

Who are eligible for a Paycheck Protection Program loan?
How do businesses apply? What information is needed?
How much money can a business receive through the loan program?
When will the loans be available?
What’s the interest rate?
What does the payment schedule look like? Can the loan eventually be forgiven? What's the eligibility for loan forgiveness?
What if the PPP Loan does not cover a business’s needs? What are the other options under the CARES Act?

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